Emerald Diamond Necklace 188K Gold, 50 PTS Diamonds, 60 PTS Emerald
Emerald Diamond Necklace 18K Gold, 50 PTS Diamonds, 60 PTS Emerald
Product Details
Wonderful 18K Diamond (50 pts.) &
Emerald (60 pts.) Necklace for the Lady
METAL: 18K yellow gold
CIRCA: 1950 - Contemporary
STONES: The necklace has 11 diamonds with a weight of 50 pts., has an H color
and VVs1 clarity. It also has 4 emeralds with a weight of 60 pts., it is rich
green in color and Vs clarity. The stones are round and marquise shaped.
WEIGHT OF PIECE: 12.8 grams
SIZE OF PIECE: 16-1/2” total length
RARITY: 8 (on a scale of 1 being very common to 10 being extremely rare)