Emerald Diamond Necklace 188K Gold, 50 PTS Diamonds, 60 PTS Emerald

Emerald Diamond Necklace 18K Gold, 50 PTS Diamonds, 60 PTS Emerald

Emerald Diamond Necklace 18K Gold, 50 PTS Diamonds, 60 PTS Emerald

Emerald Diamond Necklace 18K Gold, 50 PTS Diamonds, 60 PTS Emerald


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Product Details

Wonderful 18K Diamond (50 pts.) & Emerald (60 pts.) Necklace for the Lady
METAL: 18K yellow gold
CIRCA: 1950 - Contemporary
STONES: The necklace has 11 diamonds with a weight of 50 pts., has an H color and VVs1 clarity. It also has 4 emeralds with a weight of 60 pts., it is rich green in color and Vs clarity. The stones are round and marquise shaped.
WEIGHT OF PIECE: 12.8 grams
SIZE OF PIECE: 16-1/2” total length
8 (on a scale of 1 being very common to 10 being extremely rare)